Wintergreen rolls out new family-friendly event combining food and fitness
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PRESQUE ISLE, Maine—Wintergreen Arts Center is rolling out a new family-friendly, community event to take place on Saturday, June 10, starting at 11:00 a.m. at Griffeth Honda, 130 Main Street, Presque Isle.
The Dine and Dash Challenge is a unique team triathlon event combining food and fitness for all skill levels and ages.
If you don’t like to run, bike, or sweat, no worries. Free games and challenges will be available while watching the race.
“For those looking for a change of pace, this race event features food—the culinary arts—along with games and challenges for the whole family,” said Gretchen Violette, Wintergreen’s events coordinator.
Athletes and adventure seekers can take part in the triathlon while those looking for a slower pace can take part in vehicle-related games and challenges at Griffeth Honda. Food will be available from local vendors too.
Gretchen added, “The Dine and Dash Challenge offers something for everyone.”
The race starts at 11:00 a.m. at Griffeth Honda. Runners, walkers, and bikers will be challenged to eat a dish from a local vendor before beginning their leg of the race.
The cost to race (food included) is $75 per 3-person team. Preregistration is required at wintergreenarts.org (Please click Dine and Dash Challenge). Call (207) 762-3576 for more information.
On-site games and challenges are free and open to the public. Food is available and priced by local vendors.
Everyone is welcome to come join the fun.
About Wintergreen Arts Center: The Wintergreen Arts Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2006, and located in Presque Isle, Maine. Wintergreen is an organization based on the idea that creativity, advocacy, and community can produce great things. Our mission is to provide meaningful experiences that encourage an appreciation of the arts, stimulate creativity and innovation, and offer an artistic community space where all are welcome.